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Wrist Fracture

Wrist Fracture services offered in San Marcos, Encinitas and San Diego, CA

A wrist fracture can cause great pain, affecting the mobility of your hand and wrist, which can interfere with your ability to perform daily activities. If you’ve experienced an injury to your wrist or have pain, you might have a fracture. That’s when it’s best to turn to fellowship-trained hand surgeon Anisa Yalom, MD, in northern San Diego, California. She has the expertise to provide an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. Call today for a prompt appointment, or use the online scheduler as soon as possible to schedule an evaluation. 

Wrist Fracture Q & A

What is a wrist fracture?

A wrist fracture occurs when one or more of the bones in your wrist break or crack. Your wrist is made up of two main forearm bones, the radius and ulna, along with a group of smaller bones known as the carpal bones. When any of these bones experience a break, you have a wrist fracture.

What causes a wrist fracture?

Various factors can lead to a wrist fracture. For example, accidents, such as falls onto an outstretched hand, are common culprits. Sports injuries, particularly those involving impact or excessive force on the wrist, can also result in fractures.

Osteoporosis is a condition that weakens bones that can make your wrist more susceptible to fractures, even with minor trauma. 

In addition, certain medical conditions like repetitive stress injuries and carpal tunnel syndrome can weaken your bones over time, increasing the risk of fractures.

What are the different types of wrist fractures?

The two most common types of wrist fractures include:

Distal radius fractures

These types of fractures occur near the forearm bone's distal end (closer to the hand) and are the most frequent wrist fractures. Treatment typically depends on the fracture type, with compound breaks posing higher challenges. 

Scaphoid fractures

The scaphoid bone, located under the base of the thumb, is vulnerable when you apply weight during falls or intense hand/wrist impact, as in sports. Symptoms overlap with a sprained wrist, which can complicate a diagnosis.

Dr. Yalom has the expertise to determine if you have a common fracture or another type.

How is a wrist fracture treated?

Treatment for a wrist fracture largely depends on its severity and type of fracture. In some cases, a minor fracture may only require a cast to immobilize your wrist, allowing your bones to heal naturally over several weeks. 

More complex fractures, especially those involving displacement or severe misalignment, might require Dr. Yalom to perform surgery. As an expert hand surgeon, she realigns the broken bones and secures them with screws, pins, or plates to ensure proper healing.

Recovery from a wrist fracture involves rest and gradual rehabilitation. Once your cast is removed or after surgery, physical therapy helps you regain strength, flexibility, and functionality in your wrist. This process typically involves gentle exercises and stretches to prevent stiffness and promote healing.

If you experience a wrist fracture, call the office today or book an appointment online at your convenience.