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Ganglion Cysts

Ganglion Cysts services offered in San Marcos, Encinitas and San Diego, CA

A ganglion cyst can appear as a lump underneath the skin of your wrist or hand. If you show symptoms of this condition, fellowship-trained hand surgeon Anisa Yalom, MD, in northern San Diego, California, diagnoses and treats ganglion cysts, alleviating pain, tingling sensations, and weakness. Book an appointment at her practice today by phone or use the online scheduler for convenience.

Ganglion Cysts Q & A

What are ganglion cysts?

Ganglion cysts are fluid-filled sacs that commonly develop on the joints or tendons of your wrists or hands. These noncancerous lumps appear as round, small bumps beneath the skin's surface, and while they're generally harmless, they can cause discomfort or interfere with your joint movement.

What are the signs of ganglion cysts?

Identifying ganglion cysts is relatively straightforward. You might notice a lump that’s firm or spongy to the touch. The cysts are usually painless but can cause mild aching or discomfort, especially when moving the affected joint. 

In some cases, ganglion cysts might change in size, growing larger or even shrinking on their own. They might also be accompanied by tingling or numbness in the fingers and, in rare cases, limited joint mobility.

What puts you at risk of developing ganglion cysts?

Certain factors can increase your risk of developing ganglion cysts, including:

  • Making repetitive joint movements
  • Participating in activities that put stress on your wrists and hands
  • Being female
  • Being between the ages of 15 and 40

If you have a history of cysts or trauma to a joint, you may also be at a higher risk.

How are ganglion cysts treated?

Treatment options for ganglion cysts vary depending on the severity of your symptoms. In some cases, if the cyst is small and not causing discomfort, you might choose to monitor it without intervention. However, if the cyst causes pain or limits your joint movement, there are several approaches you can consider.

One common method is aspiration, which involves draining the fluid from the cyst with a needle. While this can provide temporary relief, there's a chance the cyst might reappear. 

Surgical removal, known as excision, is another option. During this procedure, the cyst is removed along with a portion of its connecting stalk to reduce the likelihood of recurrence.

In certain situations, Dr. Yalom might recommend immobilizing the joint with a brace or splint to alleviate stress on the area. Applying heat or cold and performing gentle exercises may also help relieve discomfort and improve joint mobility.

If you think you might have a ganglion cyst, call the office today or use the online booking tool.